Industrial Internet and MCM Predictive Maintenance System

Industrial Internet and MCM Predictive Maintenance System

The concept of Big Data generally refers to the acquisition of large-scale, highly diverse data within a short period of time. In the business world, this data is analyzed for specific purposes. Based on the information obtained from the analysis, accurate decisions can be made quickly, leading to significant improvements in performance. In industries, industrial big data is analyzed to gain deeper insights into operations and make informed decisions. The integration of big data and software in industries is referred to as the “Industrial Internet.”

The Artesis MCM Fault Early Warning System continuously monitors the condition of motors and equipment throughout facilities to collect industrial big data for predictive maintenance. By analyzing big data with its sophisticated software, the system delivers real-time fault information aimed at maintenance actions, instead of providing users with a heap of data requiring manual analysis. This allows the maintenance team to intervene in faults early, before the situation becomes critical. As a result, operational efficiency and production are significantly enhanced.

At the Whitegate Power Plant in Ireland, the GE AnomAlert (Artesis MCM) Predictive Maintenance System, developed by Artesis, is in use. Listen to the experiences of users as they explain the connection between Artesis technology and the concepts of Big Data and the Industrial Internet, as well as the benefits they have experienced.