• + 90 262 678 72 17

  • GOSB Teknopark HighTech Binası Kat:3 B1 41400 Gebze/KOCAELİ

Our Products 

eBA Workflow and Document Management System

Create or organize your corporate memory. Transfer the information, documents, and files your organiz


QDMS – Quality Document Management System

QDMS (Quality Document Management System) is a web-based integrated management system designed to aut


BEAM - Bimser Enterprise Asset Management and CMMS

Today, competitive conditions are becoming increasingly challenging, and the market environment is tu


ENSEMBLE - Process Management, Performance Management and Balanced Scorecard

The ENSEMBLE Process Management System is designed as a tool that enables institutions to transition


Synergy CSP Low Code and New Generation Content Services Platform

Bimser Synergy Low Code Platform is an integrated and cloud-based content services platform that supp


QGRC - Governance, Risk and Compliance

QGRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) solution is an integrated system designed to help organizatio


We facilitate your digital transformation.

We reshape your business processes with modern technologies and make your business faster and more efficient with software solutions tailored to your needs.

Contact Us

Increase your power with technology.

+ 90 262 678 72 17

(Online Support)


We develop software solutions suitable for the needs of modern businesses. We accelerate your business processes and increase your productivity with integrated information systems, special software projects and digital transformation consultancy.


Project Management

In order for your project to be completed on time with your targeted budget, it is beneficial to get independent project management service.

Software Development

We also provide software development services to projects whose analysis and design are made by the customer.


Consultancy and Training

Providing product and module selection, installation and training services according to the needs of our customers

Software Maintenance-Support

Training and maintenance support for our own software and special software developed for the customer upon request